Course Number: ARTS 370-VT: Special Topics in Design
Class Number: 44339
Day & Time: Wednesdays 6PM-9:50PM
Instructor: Michelle Cortese (
Topic: Advanced 3D ModelingThis course is for students who want to expand on the skills they gained in ARTS 213 3D Modeling and ARTS 279 3D Animation. Projects will focus on exploring how 3D modeling can be used for next-generation user interfaces and, prepare students for a career as an animator and communication designer.Prerequisite: ARTS 213 3D Modeling
Topic: Advanced 3D ModelingThis course is for students who want to expand on the skills they gained in ARTS 213 3D Modeling and ARTS 279 3D Animation. Projects will focus on exploring how 3D modeling can be used for next-generation user interfaces and, prepare students for a career as an animator and communication designer.Prerequisite: ARTS 213 3D Modeling