Course Number: ARTS 370-VT: Special Topics in Design
Class Number: 44917
Day & Time: Mondays 8:10AM-12PM
Instructor: Ryan Smith
Topic: Web Comics and Satirical IllustrationThis course is for students who want to explore the emerging field of web comics. Assignments will focus on using comics for political commentary and social satire. Topics for lectures include contemporary cartoonists and ways of publishing and promoting web and independent content. This course is perfect for students with a concentration in Animation and Illustration.
Prerequisite: ARTS 188: Illustration I
Topic: Web Comics and Satirical IllustrationThis course is for students who want to explore the emerging field of web comics. Assignments will focus on using comics for political commentary and social satire. Topics for lectures include contemporary cartoonists and ways of publishing and promoting web and independent content. This course is perfect for students with a concentration in Animation and Illustration.
Prerequisite: ARTS 188: Illustration I