Students who declare their major in Design starting from Fall 2024 will follow the curriculum of the Design Fact Sheet that is currently posted (approved 4/26/2024).
The following changes have been made from the previous curriculum:
- DESN 214 is no longer a required course
- DESN 222 is now a required course. It was previously listed as DESN 286
- DESN 193 has a name change from Intro to Digital Animation to Motion Graphics I
- DESN 290 has a name change from Motion Graphics to Motion Graphics II
Students who declared their major in Design before Fall 2024 will continue to follow the previous curriculum.
- If you have taken DESN 193 – Intro to Digital Animation, you do not need to retake it as Motion Graphics I
- If you have taken DESN 290 – Motion Graphics, you do not need to retake it as Motion Graphics II
- If you have taken DESN 286 – Interaction Design, you do not need to take DESN 222 – Interaction Design.
- If you have taken DESN 193, DESN 286, or DESN 290 already, taking them again under their new names/codes will count as a repeated course and replace your previous grade and credits for the class.
- If you have not taken DESN 286 – Interaction Design AND you have taken DESN 214 – Web Design I, you do not need to take DESN 222 – Interaction Design. If you would like to take Interaction Design, it will count towards your Design Electives.