Category Archives: Design Classes

Information on new design courses

New Course Added to Summer Session: Self Promotion & Special Projects


Self Promotion & Special Projects

Self Promotion & Special Projects

A new course has just been added to Summer Session 2.

ART 370 – VT: Special Topics in Design
Learn how to get your work in front of Art Directors, Dream Clients, and Potential Employers! In this class we will investigate the best promotional practices for Designers and Illustrators. We will go over different strategies for promoting your portfolio and artwork such as postcard campaigns, email promotions, Artists reps, and other strategies.
Instructor: the talented Hyesu Lee
This class is only offered in the Summer.

More great Fall courses: 3D Modeling and 3D Animation with Ben Voldman

Arts 213: 3D Modeling
Take your image-making to the next level with 3D Modeling in Cinema 4D.  In this class we will learn to model and render beautiful 3D assets for the Advertising, Publishing, and Video Game industries. Specific topics will include modeling, UV texturing, rendering, and Photoshop compositing.
Arts 370: Special Topics in Design – 3D Animation
Learn how to incorporate 3D into your motion graphics workflow! In his class we will learn how we can use Cinema 4D to create broadcast quality eye-catching animation. Specific topics will include character animation, rigging, animating Idents using Mograph, rendering, and compositing 3D animation within After Effects.”

New class for Fall: Creative Coding

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With Professor Danne Woo, we will be looking at using computational algorithms as a tool to create beautifully designed visual graphics. Over the semester we will be exploring design topics like form, color, grids, typefaces and 3 dimensional objects and combining these with computational topics like randomization, repetition, transformation, generative and data manipulated design. We will be using Processing as our main platform to focus on the intersection between the visual art, design, and code.
ARTS  370 – VT: Special Topics in Design
Topic: Creative Coding
We 1:40PM – 5:30PM

Register for Digital Imagemaking!

sunday morning digital imagemaking

sunday morning digital imagemaking

Nothing scheduled Sunday mornings, Spring Semester?
Register for Digital Imagemaking!
Learn: Photography, lighting and how to shoot portraits, street photography, night photography, and landscapes.
Learn: Photoshop and how to make animated .gifs, collages, and 3-D pictures.
Learn: The language of Art Criticism, Digital Art History, the History of Photgraphy and Contemporary Practice.
ARTS  165 – Digital Imagemaking 01-LEC(36656) Su 8:20AM – 12:00PM
Taught by the talented Tommy Mintz

Illustration with Ryan Hartley Smith–Winter Session

by Ryan Hartley Smith

by Ryan Hartley Smith

There are a few  seats open in ARTS  188 – VT: Illustration I during the winter session. Sign up while you can.
Taught by the talented Ryan Hartley Smith
Financial Aid may be available!
Financial Aid for the Winter Session 2013-2014 at Queens College is limited. Only the Pell Grant is available for winter 2013- 2014 session, because the winter session is considered a part of the Spring 2014 semester. If you are Part-Time in Spring 2013-2014 or graduating after Winter 2013-2014, you may be eligible for a winter 2013 – 2014 payment. Those who are eligible will automatically be paid early in the Spring 2014 semester. Contact Financial Aid for more information.