SPD-U Presents: Student Portfolio Reviews – Summer 2017

WHO: For all student levels and recent grads.
WHAT: Bring your portfolio whether it’s finished or still in the works…you’ll get one-on-one reviews with some of our best pros! Please note, your work has to be in print form or as a PDF on a laptop/iPad. We won’t have the ability to look at online portfolios. No flash drives or disks please.
WHEN: Thursday, June 15, 2017 / 6:00 – 8:00pm | Registration closes on Wednesday, June 14th at 5PM EST.
WHERE: Inc. Magazine Offices, Downtown NYC (Exact address will be given to you in your confirmation email)
• If you’re an SPD student member, your entry is free! However, you must reserve your spot by using the form below.
• If you’re not a current member, join now and you can come for free too. Use the form below to become a member and reserve your spot for the reviews.
• $20 for all other students