Category Archives: Organzations

frogNY’s Diversity and Inclusion’s Mentorship Program

Below is the application for frog Diversity and Inclusion’s mentorship program. The deadline to apply is December 21st.
This is open to any visual, interaction, or industrial designers that come from socially or economically disadvantaged backgrounds, which includes any minority groups or schools that are not well-known. It also includes any self-taught designers. Applicants’ skills must qualify for an intern, junior, or mid-level role.

Call for Making Policy Public Designers

CUP is looking for talented designers to partner on the 2019 issues of Making Policy Public. CUP seeks designers, visual artists, and other creative workers with an interest in public policy, who will bring unique visual solutions to the design challenges presented by communicating complex policy issues.
Click here to download the application guidelines and learn more about the program.
Applications from designers are due by Monday, August 20 at 5pm EST.
Here’s something to tweet:
Designers & artists, collaborate with @we_are_CUP on a visual explanation of a complex policy issue! Apply here:

February 8th: 2018 AIGA Design Job Fair for students and recent grads

Are you a design student or a newly minted graduate? Join us for AIGA/NY’s 2nd annual mini-job fair! Its speed networking meets the design industry not another portfolio review. Come by and introduce yourself. Meet reps. from New York’s top creative organizations, companies, agencies and studios and learn about the advantages of working at their company. Ask what a typical day is like for their designers, find out about all the office perks and hear what their creative directors look for when they hire new talent. You will discover what is unique about each situation and why you might want to work for one or more of these companies.
Details and Registration here:

Coffee N Coding: Join the Queens College Tech Incubator study group to learn full stack web development

Wednesday, January 4, 7-9 pm, CEP Hall 2 (between the Student Union and Razran Hall; marked C2 on this map: All levels and ages are welcome.
If you are unfamiliar with FreeCodeCamp, check it out and sign up:
Information: [email protected] ;

NYAS Next Scholars Program: Application due 12/18!

Design students qualify! Apply today
Program Benefits
The NYAS Next Scholars program
· matches scholars with a mentor (a STEM PhD student or a STEM professional) for a year-long (online) partnership
· provides scholars with access to exciting online content that will help them develop their leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills
· provides content on career readiness
· provides a nationwide community of women in STEM
· provides NYAS membership, opening access to live webinars and events with inspirational guest speakers
Potential Scholars
· have a strong interest in a STEM/STEAM/computer science career, even if they have not already declared a STEM major
· self-identify as female
· are in their first or second year of college, or have transitioned from a community college to a senior college within the past year
· are available to dedicate 1-2 hours per week to the program online
· are comfortable communicating in English
· are excited by the idea of having a mentor
Nominations of first generation college students, Dreamers and students without strong STEM support systems are particularly encouraged.
Nominated students should apply at:
Application deadline: December 18, 2016

The Queens Entrepreneurship Fund Wants You!

Are you interested in economic development and business? Have a passion for leadership, entrepreneurship, or social impact?

If so, check us out. We’re a student run social enterprise start-up dedicated to providing consulting, micro-lending, and skill building services to local business owners. We work towards creating competitive training programs that equip college students with the strategic and business skills necessary to consult local entrepreneurs while devising ways to drive economic development from the ground up. We are presently seeking fellow Queens College students to join our team. Whether you’re interested in an internship or a solid leadership role, we can work with you. So contact us, make some friends, and help us make some awesome stuff happen.

Interested? Have any questions? Please contact us:

Join “The Roster”, a network advancing diverse, young professionals in New York City’s media and entertainment industry.

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Are you a diverse, early career professional looking for an opportunity to make a splash in media and entertainment?
Ghetto Film School, in collaboration with the New York City Council and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, presents The Roster – a new network advancing diverse, young professionals in New York City’s media and entertainment industry.
Join today for access to exclusive events, curated calendar of activities and job opportunities within the creative sector. Membership is free of charge.