Climate Change Poster Contest

The SEES (School of Earth & Environmental Sciences) Club is looking for artists interested in creating graphic, eye-catching posters to be displayed at our week-long Climate Change Week event. Posters will be printed (40” x 55”) and displayed across the quad. Seeking designs that will inspire thought about how climate change is affecting all of us and evoke a sense of need for change.
If interested, please e-mail a low resolution image to [email protected]. Please include “Climate Change Poster Submission” in the subject line as well as your first and last name. We will select a few posters to be displayed at the event and contact you for the full sized file. First place will receive a $50 prize!

Learn User Experience Design

Kingsborough Community College is offering a new tuition-FREE User Experience course.
In the 15-week evening program, you’ll learn from current industry experts via hands-on projects which will focus on important design thinking processes such as:

  • Introductory user experience design & wireframing 
  • Human centered design
  • Visual design
  • Project management
  • Work on a real client project
  • Capstone portfolio development

Learn more about this course here.

NYC Media Lab Summit: Sept. 20th and 21st

NYCML’18 is a snapshot of the best thinking, projects and talent from across the City’s industry and university ecosystem. Through thought-provoking discussions, hands-on workshops, and 100 innovative demos, attendees will consider pressing issues related to digital media innovation.
Email Prof. DeRosa ([email protected]) for a discounted ticket of $15. [This is a steal for these two days of programming]

Portfolio Success: Strategies for Professional Development

SEPTEMBER 22 @ 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Type Directors Club
347 W 36th St Suite 603
New York, NY
A panel discussion on creating effective design portfolios. We will explore the role portfolios play in a successful design career now and in the future and will ask, are traditional portfolios still relevant? If so, what does a successful portfolio look like and what kind of projects should be included?
Panelist will discuss what clients and employers want to see and which abilities industry leaders consider most important? You are invited to join the discussion as we look at new ways of teaching and explore emerging trends in effective portfolio development.
Tickets are $10, available here
Christina Black
Vice President, Creative Director
Showtime Networks Inc.
Michael McCaughley
Lead Designer at OCD
Holly Tienken
Assistant Professor
Communication Design
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Peter Lusch
Assistant Professor
Dept of Art, Architecture & Design
Lehigh University
(Typography credit: Escalator from XYZ.)

Ogilvy Immersion Day

Ogilvy Immersion Day

Tuesday, October 2nd, RSVP required

Learn what it’s like to work at Ogilvy.

Immersion Day is a half-day event designed to give college students an insider’s look into life at an experience design agency. Students have the opportunity to connect with Ogilvy professionals and network with their peers.
Ogilvy hosts Immersion Day at our Denver and New York office locations every six months, coinciding with spring and fall college graduations. Our team spends half a day with these students, beginning with a tour of our space that leads into a panel discussion. Select Ogilvy employees representing research, design, writing, and creative technology share their personal and professional experiences to provide guidance and answer any questions from these students who are about to begin careers of their own. The remainder of the time is filled with first-hand, informative activities, including shadow hours, portfolio and resume reviews, Workshop 101s, and helpful job interview tips and tricks.
The concept of Immersion Day was born from a plight that designers at Ogilvy had experienced firsthand: it’s difficult to find the job you want without knowing anyone in the industry. Additionally, over the past two years, Ogilvy received frequent requests from Denver design students for studio tours and job shadowing opportunities. There had not been a formal structure or cadence for hosting these students, so we decided to organize and operationalize a process where students could visit Ogilvy, get immersed in our culture and the work we do, check out our space, and receive advice on how to start in the industry.
Learn more and RSVP here:

Freelance designers wanted

>At Empower Games, we’re looking to revolutionize high school and college education through the power of memorable and engrossing gaming experiences. We are a growing studio working with content experts and skilled designers to ensure positive learning outcomes.
>We are currently working on an educational molecular biology game built with Unity that features a unique environment and rather novel game mechanics. The game will be funded through SBIR grants and we are collaborating with Queens College  to research its effects on student outcomes.
>We are seeking a concept artist to illustrate some game mechanics and draw some molecular biology backdrops we intend to have in the demo. Payment would be between $80-$200 per piece. 
>To apply, send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Unpaid Internship at Comedy Central

Comedy Central television series “Broad City” is looking for art department interns for its 5th season:
This internship starts ASAP and runs through the end of October.
• This is an unpaid internship and must be done for school credit
• 2-3 days/week, no more than 8 hours per day
• Knowledge of Google Apps, Microsoft Office, Photoshop/Illustrator a plus
• Duties will include: assisting the art department with research and administrative tasks, performing occasional runs for the art department, potentially working on graphics or other small projects
• Lunch will be provided
This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in a career in the art department for film/TV or those looking to learn more about how art in film/TV works in general. Students pursuing any Arts-related or Film/TV studies preferred.  Please email your resume/cover letter to [email protected]. Thank you!

Federal Work-Study graphic design job / on-campus with CERRU

Do you have Federal Work Study?
If you do, CERRU is hiring!
Graphic Designer: This person will be responsible for creating our flyers, programs, posters, and brochure.
Campus Outreach (multiple positions): This position includes fliering for events, tabling at different locations on campus, assisting with social media, being in contact with the clubs on campus, taking care of event sign-in, and event marketing. One person will also work on data collection.
If you are interested in either of these positions AND you are eligible for Federal Work Study, please contact [email protected] to set up an interview. Include your resume, position you are interested in, and a brief explanation of why you believe you’d be good in that position.

QC Student Takes Top Honors at Rarebit Animation Festival

Congratulations to Jadxia Carbajal, Christian Dantzler and Jessica Hong for having work selected to screen in the 2018 Rarebit Animation Festival at Queensborough Community College.  Additionally, the jury awarded Jadxia Carbajal’s film Battery, about her personal experience with Type I Diabetes, the top honor and she took home the 2018 Rarebit Award.

Christian Dantzler’s film, Ruptured, was about learning to love while simultaneously navigating childhood society was created using Flash and Photoshop, as well as some traditional pencil on paper techniques.  Both Christian and Jadxia’s films were two-semester projects in Professor Grella’s ARTS 370 Animated Documentary course.

Jessica Hong’s film Ghost Ice Cream is a humorous yarn about a ghost that is in love with ice cream.  Hong, an upcoming senior, created her film in Professor Cowan’s Intro to Animation course.  She is currently working on a film about irrational fears, to be finished in December.
This was the second year for the Rarebit Animation Festival which takes its name from Dream of the Rarebit Fiend, the innovative and often surreal comic strip by one-time Sheepshead Bay resident Winsor McCay (c.1867-1934). Perhaps best known for his popular strip Little Nemo in Slumberland, McCay was a pioneer in the art of animation–his  cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) was one of the very first animated films ever created.