Student Interview: Sila Chanrujipat

Below is a conversation between 2016 QC graduate Sila Chanrujipat and Assistant Professor Ryan Hartley Smith about Sila’s work and plans for after graduation.

Sila Chanrujipat

Sila Chanrujipat

Professor Smith: Hi Sila, Thanks for talking! Where can we see your portfolio?
Sila Chanrujipat: My portfolio can be seen on my behance page and my website.
Tell me about the project you are most proud of…
I am actually proud of all my works. The project that I am most proud of is my series of book covers that I created in my Typography II class. I designed a series of book covers for Alice in Wonderland.  Each book cover had to have its own theme. Therefore, I designed book covers in different concepts; dark, dreamy and vintage concept. With each book cover, I tried to use different tools and techniques to make such as using a paper craft, gradient, and shadow. It actually was my first time to do a paper craft by hands. I spent a lot of time to revise my works and tried to make them look like a 3d in photoshop combining different elements.
Alice in Wonderland Cover

One of Sila’s Alice in Wonderland Covers

What’s the most important thing you want the world to know about your design work?
Every design tells its own story. I like combining handmade and digital methods to create my work, because I think it gives a sense of mystery.
Crystals in the Desert, using 3D modeling

Crystals in the Desert, using 3D modeling

You just were awarded a $2,000 prize for winning CUNY Human Rights poster contest. First, congratulations!! Second, tell us about your poster design- how did you come up with the idea, and how did you make the final design? 
Thank you very much! Honestly, I did not expect that at all. For my poster design, I started to make 3-4 sketches with a pencil then I asked my best friends to give me feedback, and colored the final draft in Photoshop. The idea of my poster is to raise awareness of Europe’s migration crisis that has been a chronic issue since last year. I combined different symbols. For instance, the big tear drop presents the emotional wounds of refugee. The barbed wire represents the acute migration crisis and division while the hands illustrate that they need help from us as fellow men.
No Human is Illegal

No Human is Illegal Poster

You just graduated, now what are your goals for the summer?
There are two main goals for this summer. Firstly, I want to spend time with my family as much as I can because I haven’t seen them for 2 years. This time, they came to visit me for 3 months. We plan to travel in New York after the Commencement ceremony. My second goal is to get a job in U.S. I have just only four months to find before my visa will be expired.
What’s your dream job/next step professionally?
My dream job is to work in advertising company or fashion company. I know they are very competitive, but I want to give it a try!
What was your favorite Design course at Queens College and why?
There are many favorite design courses in this school. One of my favorite classes is advertising design. I had to come up with an idea for a campaign project in Time Square. I chose to do a healthy food event that provides healthy food to New Yorkers.  The idea of the poster series is to mock fast food and sweet with healthy food. I really enjoyed doing research in the real place and create pattern design for merchandises.
Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

Healthy Eating Campaign

What advice do you have for students who are considering being a Design major?
If you have creative ideas or like using computer programs. Then yes! You are on the right track! Anyhow, you have to understand all the basic rules. Then you would know how to break them and create your unique design style.
If you had to go through the Design program again, what would you do differently?
I would take more animation classes. Last semester I only took a 3D modeling class and I found it is very interesting. I want to make my illustration become more vivid and alive! I also believe that 3D Modeling and animation will play a huge role in the design fields.